15 Hottest Movie and TV Cat-suits (Part 1)

The Avengers‘s has been rocking the record books and the much anticipated The Dark Knight Rises is on the horizon to possibly break even more of them. One big thing that they both share in common? Each has a lovely leading lady kicking arse in the quintessential cat-suits that all the coolest and most bad-ass ladies have donned.

Click to Enlarge!!!

SO! In honour of Anne Hathaway rocking a killer new look for Christopher Nolan‘s grand Bat-finale, I decided that we need to bring in something apart from the same old, same old.
With that in mind, we have on the menu for you today (and in the next couple of weeks) the best of the best in cinematic cat-suits! Some you’ll know, some you’ll WISH you’d known and will be discovering for the first time (yes, we try to be educational as well!) and for all that, you’re welcome.
So let’s kick off this countdown of cat-like coolness with the ladies who were flat out smokin’, #8-15 today followed by #7-1 in less than a week! (followed by a special list of the ones who came that close but didn’t make the final cut, what can I say? Love them all!)
Feel free to disagree, add to the list, give an opinion why someone should have been higher, lower, replaced – all views welcome and if you guys are active enough about it I’m inclined to make a fan-favourite Top-10 list after all this is done!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. TheOthers1 says:

    Lol. It cracks me up that you’re doing a cat-suit tribute (even better that cat-suit tribute rhymes). Very interesting. Lol.

    1. Spider42 says:

      Why thank you my dear!
      Just because I can’t help but be curious, why specifically does it crack you up? 🙂

      1. TheOthers1 says:

        Just something about it. Can’t really explain it. Maybe I’m picturing Michelle pfieffer in a PVC cat-suit and that’s the source of my mirth.

      2. Spider42 says:

        Hmm… I suppose, but being of a male persuasion, those visuals of her in that black leather from the Batman movie… well it was a special memory and an image long burnt into more male brains than one could count 😀

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