Comic Review: Madwoman of the Sacred Heart (Humanoids Inc., 1992)

Madwoman of the Sacred Heart by Alexandro Jodorowsky (story), Moebius (Illustration), Florence Breton (Colours), Daniel Cacouault (Colours), Zoran Janjetov (Colours) and Scarlet Smulkowski (Colours) I came across this strange saga by the sheerest of chance – saw it in passing and couldn’t help but pick it up because of two reasons:Jodorowsky and Moebius. Personally I’m…

Is this Jesus? Or is it not?

I found this on the internet (where else) and besides my amusement, I was genuinely curious and looked it up and it actually seems not too far fetched! Plus you gotta admit, Cesare looks a lot more like this quintessential image than what the actual Jesus would have looked like – i.e., more like this…