Your host

NAME: One Happy Monk

WHAT I DO: Bookworm, day-dreamer, writer, artist and maker of comics … And an oddly hopeful cynic from many accounts!

FAVOURITE READS: any Asterix & Obelix book, Dune by Frank Herbert, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Ubik by Philip K. Dick

MOST EASILY DISTRACTED BY: Wonderful toys, shiny ideas and realising things like: You can see more suns at night than you can during the day...

GREATEST REGRET: Once discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down.

Not much to say, compared to exciting lives like all of you out there.

Started off in the late 2000’s as an aspiring writer, did some freelancing for music/gig reviews and some travel writing; I’ve since moved on to more fictional pursuits.

Written for several Indian comic publishers and way back in the ye-olde-days of 2012, founded Meta Desi Comics as a creator owned/friendly publishing label.

Can’t stop coming up with strange new ideas so end up writing a fair bit of short fiction and love to dabble in drawing and doodling which has resulted in the birth of the OHM webcomic. (check it out on Webtoons / Tapas / Instagram!)

Love to let my mind wander and at times it takes forever to find its way home.

Live to read, write and be merry – for who knows what tomorrow brings and as a smart man once said, “Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, and I’m going to be happy in it.” (- Groucho Marx)

So if you’re willing to join me on my whimsical and somewhat meandering journey through the ins and outs of things in the world or simply need a place to laugh, cry, be amused and bemused and such – then drop in anytime and grab a metaphorical (or literal if  you prefer) drink with me and contemplate the vagaries and varieties of the world we inhabit.


30 Comments Add yours

  1. Sibel Catana says:

    Beautifully written. 🙂

    1. spider42 says:

      Thank you, you’re too kind! 🙂

  2. jfb57 says:

    Just popping in to tell you about the 100WCGU. It is a weekly challenge which runs from Tuesdays 12.01 until the following Monday 11.59.

    One of the reasons for it is the limitation of wordage. One or two over is fine but not doubling plus. You use the prompt given either in it’s entirety or as a stimulus whichever is the task. It would be great to have you join us. Are you on twitter? I usually tweet the prompt out on Mondays. I’m @jfb57 if you are.
    Hope to see you soon!

    1. spider42 says:

      Hey, thanks for the info.
      Unfortunately I’m not on twitter but I can be reached on this blog, just leave a comment like you have here.

      The limited wordage is not a problem, just figured “no harm asking” so I guess I will participate starting from next week.

  3. orchid says:

    nice description of yourself and what the site is all about! 🙂

    1. Spider42 says:

      Many thanks! Hope you enjoy the site itself as much if not more.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. beingjulz says:

    Sounds interesting. I look forward to wandering through your site. Thanks for coming by mine.

    1. Spider42 says:

      Glad to have you drop in, hope you enjoy your wanderings here.
      Cheers! 🙂

  5. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Spider (Is that na acceptable/preferred form of address?),

    Just followed you. Looking forward to reading your work. Will comment as per the comment thread where I first was introduced to you.



    1. Spider42 says:

      More than acceptable Doug, pleasure to make your acquaintance.
      Hope you enjoy my blog, should warn you though that I tend to have a very wandering mind so topics can be vastly disconnected and haphazard! 🙂
      Many thanks for dropping by and again, hope you enjoy what you see.

  6. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope you’ll try the 100WCGU over at Julia’s Place.

    1. Spider42 says:

      Will give it a look and try to contribute on time – I think I did once already but was too late or not able to linkback properly or something.
      Thanks for the visit and the follow!

  7. Hello Spider!

    Just dropping by to present you with The Liebster Award! Congrats! 🙂

    Drop by my blog for the details.


    1. Spider42 says:

      Wow Thanks! 🙂
      I’m on my way!!

  8. Shaili D. says:

    Your blog looks quite interesting. I am gonna stalk your blog now. 😛

    1. Spider42 says:

      Stalk away, I promise not to get a restraining order unless absolutely necessary!

  9. Hello,

    I’d like to get in touch with you about a Book review program that may interest you. Would it be possible to connect via email so I can send you details? You can send me a message at

    Ramona D’Mello

    1. Spider42 says:

      Hey, thanks for dropping by and commenting.
      I generally don’t give out my email address as a practice – you can leave me anything relevant here or in a private message on my facebook page, the link to which is on this blog itself.

      1. No problem. I’ll send you a message on Facebook then.

  10. Meenakshi Raina says:

    Hey, would like to get in touch with you for a book review.

    1. Spider42 says:

      Sure, you can reach me on my page, just message me there for a private chat:

  11. A great blog… and yes I was amazed to find out that you have published a comic series!!

    It would be great if I can connect with you over mail. Kindly drop me a mail on aneeketbarua3[at]gmail[dot]com

    1. Spider42 says:

      And yes, I have published comics, not one but several and have recently moved from writing to publishing for myself and others.

  12. Adarsh Badri says:

    and share your thoughts

    1. A-Ku says:

      Hi Adarsh,
      Thanks for the advice and thinking of me to help you out – though I’m over 30 so not quite young and not sure what you think I can help with but I’m around so be in touch if there’s anything I can do.

      1. Adarsh Badri says:

        thank you so much for your support. I need the people who can be of good help to the society, I am adding your name and the blog name in the Young India

      2. A-Ku says:

        I’m honoured to be listed there. Thanks!

  13. Sheetal says:

    Would like to get our books reviewed by you. Drop a mail if you are interested. Can discuss other details through mail.

    1. Aku says:

      Hi Sheetal,
      Thanks and I’d be open to hearing out about your books – But for starters, you left no email address to reach you on so… yeah…
      Cheers and thanks for dropping by!

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