Global Election Mania 2024!!

Come one, come all! It’s that magical time once more! It’s election season!!  There’s about 20-odd Presidential elections and nearly 40 general (national elections set to take place around the world this year – 2024.  (That’s of course not to even try and count the elections of various types from Mayors to MLA’s to Alderman…

The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction [Hachette India, 2019]

The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction I was very pleased when I came across this anthology – being from South Asia myself, it was very heartening to see a collection of stories that gave us science fiction tales with a South Asian flavour. Carefully curated by Tarun K. Saint (who also contributes to…

Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain! [Penguin Portfolio, 2007]

Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain! by Scott Adams For anyone who’s been completely oblivious to certain aspects of pop-culture these past couple of decades, Scott Adams was the tweaked, odd and very clever mind behind the Dilbert comic strip that has become the epitome of satire on corporate culture. In addition he wrote the…

Transmetropolitan, Vol. 1: Back on the Street [DC/Vertigo, 1998]

Transmetropolitan, Vol. 1: Back on the Street by Warren Ellis (writer), Darick Robertston (Illustrator), Rodney Ramos (Illustrator), Keith Aiken (Illustrator), Nathan Eyring (Illustrator), Garth Ennis (Introduction), Patrick Stewart (Introduction) Absolutely frikkin brilliant this is! This is the book that made me bow my head and acknowledge the genius that is Warren Ellis. Granted the man…