Thus Endeth The New Year!

Originally posted on One Happy Monk's Reviews:
Yup… sounds like me. First things first, it’s only polite for me to wish all you good folk for the new year and explain the title of this post: simply, the celebrations are done, the decorations are (mostly) down and the high is waning, thus ending the…

Happy Birthday Bob! You are still loved!

I’m guessing not many people would know that today is  the birthday of one of the greatest Dude’s of all history – Mr. Bob Marley himself. NOTE: for the sake of having the right spirit, hit play on this video and listen to the man himself and get in the spirit he espoused as you…

Make it so, make it so, make it so…

Well folks, I’m off for a long overdue and much needed winter holiday after more than a couple of years. I’ll be gone over the Christmas and new year period – or saturnalia or Kwanzaa or Hanukkah solstice or whatever you personally prefer. So whatever it is you ascribe to, here’s greetings from me and…

[VIDEO] Science-cast: West Antarctic Ice Sheet in irreversible decline

The story behind the headlines on the “unstoppable” retreat of glaciers in part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. A new study led by NASA researchers shows that half-a-dozen key glaciers in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are in irreversible decline. The melting of these sprawling icy giants will affect global sea levels in the…

Thus Endeth The New Year!

First things first, it’s only polite for me to wish all you good folk for the new year and explain the title of this post: simply, the celebrations are done, the decorations are (mostly) down and the high is waning, thus ending the beginning and allowing the new year to actually begin. Here we are,…

New Publication… Secret Woman powers… Crazy artists…

I think I’m going insane… no, not in the “we the jury find…” way, more in the weirdo babbling incoherently but amusing you at parties nonetheless way. Been hectic and mind-fried for the past few weeks as I prep for the launch of a creator owned anthology I publish along with a bunch of creative…